Thursday, June 12, 2008

Slow news day

Originally uploaded by meatyokra
Nancy's recovery seems to be going well. She's taking her medication with a bit less drama now – mainly because Elizabeth isn't letting her dash under the bed immediately after the dosage. Seem that holding her and saturating her with love and attention for about 5 consecutive minutes makes her forget about the trauma that just befell her. (she is a cat, though, so I don't doubt that she will remember and hold a grudge for all eternity)

After every home cooked meal now I get asked how it ranks compared with the others we've had. Seems that, for some reason, if you put things in order or preference it means that you really detest the last thing on that list. I wasn't aware of it but evidently that's the case. What that means is this: Although I have truly loved every dinner that we've had since we've been here, someone else seems to think that I absolutely hate her mother's Turkey Chili recipe.

Oh, and the picture headlining this post is one I took tonight of the flowering buds on a succulent that E bought for the deck table.

1 comment:

Carol Bond said...

For some reason I must have missed reading this 'post'. I just reread/read it, & I now understand the comment about E's Mom's Turkey Chili. Is it made with ground turkey? I would like to compare notes on her chili; I also make a turkey chili that my co-workers always request that I make for office celebrations. However, there is one process of the preparation that I find tiring. Tell E that we'll have to 'talk'.
I am happy to know that Nancy is improving.