Wednesday, June 4, 2008

She cooks!

One of the best fringe benefits of cohabitation – in this particular instance, that is – has to be that my diet has improved... dramatically.

Elizabeth is an excellent cook, it turns out, and I had no idea. So far the dinner menus have consisted of turkey chili, chicken tortilla soup, Greek fritatta, thai red curry shrimp and tonight's most excellent cambodian garlic chicken and rice soup! Much more than I had bargained for.

In the less happy news department, Nancy took ill Monday evening. We took her to the Cat Clinic Tuesday morning to find out that she has elevated blood sugar levels and might be suffering from a pancreatic infection. She seems to have recovered from her lows of Monday night, though, which is great. Now we have to administer medicine twice daily for the next couple of weeks. Elizabeth assures me that's going to be fun. As an aside, one of my daily chores has become emptying the litter box first thing in the morning.

I have been learning so much.

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