Sunday, June 8, 2008

Long walk to Sausalito

This morning we went for a walk. We took the bike path from Mill Valley to the center of town in Sausalito. It's about a 5 mile walk which, of course, made for a 10 mile urban hike.

The first part of the walk, once you get off of Miller Avenue, is an exposed bike path through a very marshy part of Richardson Bay.

The path passes under the 101 and on into Sausalito, where it runs along the main street through town, Bridgeway.

The north end of Sausalito is home to a great number of house boats – some nicer than others. They generally get nicer the further south you go, as those piers are over better, less mucky water.

... And on to downtown Sausalito. Very pretty but a bit of a tourist haven. The nicer, real Sausalito is a block over on Caledonia.

1 comment:

Carol Bond said...

Glad to see you're still posting. I really like the reflection in the gazing ball (I guess that's what it's called).