Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bird Hunting

Originally uploaded by meatyokra
This guy has become my little obsession.
When the weather is nice and I have time on my hands I like to sit on the deck and patiently wait for this guy to show up.
(better viewed LARGE)

Not the easiest thing to catch – he flits around rather quickly and his wings aren't always in a good position (photographically). Guess it's the challenge that makes it fun!

This is what my setup looked like for these shots:

Here are a few others...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Leaving Boston

Beautiful city, Boston. Everything downtown looks like it should have "Ye Olde..." in front of it. Even this 7-Eleven on Beacon Hill.

I was out here working an event at the Niketown store for the 113th Boston Marathon.

It' such a photogenic city and I managed to take hundreds of photographs, too. Unfortunately they all looked a little like this...

Over 1,300 actually.
The event turned out to be a success, thankfully, so for the last couple of days I was relaxed enough (though tired) to have a run one day and take a walk around town the next.

I'd love to spend a week shooting this city. I know that wouldn't be enough to cover it but it would be a start!

The history, the architecture... it's a lot to take in. (you can see more here )

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Nice Day

(click on image to view larger)