Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Originally uploaded by meatyokra
We welcome 2009 at the Benson-Bond household and all of the hope it offers. It looks to be a little onerous in some regards but we're up to the challenge – and we have each other!

The champagne was very good but the bottle seemed a bit small this year. The glasses were sent to us by my mother. They are a set that she and my late father used to really like. We used them to invite in the new year as well as to toast our parents.

Happy New Year all!
Unrelated but interesting nonetheless is Nancy's recent habit of visiting me in the office at my desk. Every morning and some evenings she begs to get on my lap, where she often sits until evicted. Often she further climbs on the desk, obscuring my view and sitting or walking on the keyboard.

Here she can be seen winning a game of chess(it wasn't even close).

And here she is, taking a much deserved nap last night.

Uh-oh, this just in: Although Elizabeth and I turned in rather early last night it seems Nancy ushered in the New Year on her own! We awoke to find her on the sofa...


Carol Bond said...

That Nancy is getting to be quite a ham, or is 'someone' putting her up to it?

yamadog said...

Nancy is so cute how do u get her in thoose cute little outfits? :) :} :O :b Rebecca Benson

Elizabeth said...

Hey Rebecca! As a matter of fact, Nancy was not particularly
cooperative in this photo shoot--she did not like wearing that New Year's tiara at all. Phil had to be ready to take the picture super fast. She doesn't seem to mind wearing the blue wig though. It was a gift from her Uncle Charlie (my friend in Los Angeles). It is a "kitty wig" made especially for cats--and comes in black, blond, and hot pink too! Phil is a photoshop wiz, and was able to shrink down a picture of a regular champagne glass and put into Nancy's hand (er, paw). We are hoping to find a pair of bunny ears for Easter--so stay tuned... :-) Aunt Elizabeth