Sunday, October 26, 2008

Post Sydney Post

With the Sydney trip over two weeks in the past I guess it's time to bump it off of the top of the blog page.

Not that I have any worthy news to supplant it.

So I thought I'd just some pictures from one of our local hikes – Tennessee Valley – one that Elizabeth does once or twice a week. It's only three miles from our front door so it's extremely convenient and the trail head offers multiple hiking options, some more strenuous, some quite easy.
(I realize that I've posted pictures from this area before, but I was just out there last night for some sunset shots and, well, it's a slow news week...)

1 comment:

Carol Bond said...

Phillip - Just have to let you know that I continue to enjoy your blog. Thank you so much. This is a wonderful way for me to keep up with you, Elizabeth and Nancy.