Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend Roundup

The week is almost over and I'm just getting around to posting the report from last weekend's antics! So not very timely, but here it is...

Friday, late afternoon, we took a hike to explore some of the trails in the Marin headlands stemming from the Tennessee Valley trail head. Those hikes begin just about 4 miles from our front door – which is one of the attractions of Marin: we're so close to nature and seemingly far from the crowded bay area and San Francisco. The views are wonderful to be sure, but the county flower could very well be Poison Oak. It's everywhere in the spring and summer out here.

For some unknown reason we embarked on the most aggressive of the hikes, heading straight up through dense poison oak and over grown foliage. As we got to the top we (mis)read a sign leading us to believe we could do a pleasant loop, down the other side and along the coast. Since darkness was fast approaching we hurried down in – what turned out to be – the wrong direction, taking us further and further from where we needed to be. Once we realized our mistake we were about as far away from the car as we could possibly get, off of a real trail and with the mountain in the way. We ended up double-timing it back up and over and to the car, getting there just about sunset. We turned a 4 mile hike into about an 8 mile one! (Needless to say, Sunday we bought a map)

Those are my iPhone pictures of the hike. I lugged my camera out there but forgot to bring a memory card – camera but no film – so it remained, useless in the car. Elizabeth went back out there later in the week and actually brought her camera and came back with some really nice shots. I'm going to try to convince her to let me post one or two of them.

Saturday, after errands, we finally got around to hanging our humming bird feeders – one on the front deck, one on the back. The feeder off of the bedroom is one that I had bought for Elizabeth for her place in L.A. It's one of those that looks fancy and attractive... but evidently not to the humming birds. It never saw any action in SoCal but we hung it anyway. Evidently the Marin birds appreciate good design – it's had several visitors. Hopefully I can get some shots.

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