Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Where to begin...

It's been a busy week.

The lead story since the last post has to be Mr. Benson's 80th birthday party in Escondido.

Late breaking news, however, is competing for front page space. Granted it's a fluff piece, but definitely worthy of reporting:

Waiting for us when we returned home from San Diego yesterday was a package from Elizabeth's friend Charlie. It was for Nancy, actually.

It's a Kitty Wig.
Imagine the indignity of a cat being forced to wear an electric blue wig...

You don't have to strain your imagination for too long, unfortunately, because this is what it looks like:

Now I want to make it clear that I don't – in any way – condone this sort of behavior. I simply have a responsibility to report it. To Elizabeth and Charlie this is just about the funniest thing in the world.
I'm not so sure how Nancy feels about it.

Caller ID says we keep getting calls from someone or something called 'PETA'. Anyone know what that might be about?

On to the real story...

More images will be posted shortly, so stay tuned. In the meantime though, here's a sampler set of pix...

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